Sunday 21 June 2015


Is Ego Good Or Bad.....????

Many of us are in confusion whether to live  ego or leave ego.?
To be clear about that let us know what exactly an ego is......

One of the main causes of all evils and imblances in the society is Mr.ego. He is present everywhere irrespective of caste,creed,colour or sex. The friciton that occurs in our dealings with our fellow-beings and quarrels that have formed an inevitable part of our family lives are all due to Mr.Ego. If we observe keenly, we find that the clash is actually not between people, but not between egos. 

In fact  the egos is of two types:

  • Ripe ego : Refined and reformed

  • Unripe ego : Uncultured     

Even among the  members of  same family, we see a lot of behavioural differences. why? Because they all have different types of egos. Among them one may have a trained ego, another an untrained ego, yet another an ill-trained one

A person of trained ego thinks nobly, acts gently,  inspire for a sublime goal in life. Every body enjoys his/her company, as his/her conduct is amiable and pleasant. A person of trained ego believes that, "The most happy is one who most promotes the happiness of others."

One with untrained ego remains busy blowing their own trumpet and making much ado about nothing. Such a person is like an "empty vessel that makes much noise."

A man of an ill-trained damages the very structures of the family. with their distorted ego they  are curse to the society. Moreover this autocrat makes their home hell where people tremble the very sight of them.

Though ego is mischievous, we  cannot do without it. Ego necessary, for, it forms the most essential part of our individuality. Without the sense of  'I', there can be no individuality at all. Indeed, even that which we call self-confidence is nothing but ego in its refined an reinforced form.

So it is obvious that the training the ego is paramount importance if we wish to have peace and concord in the society. The elite of the society should come forward to highlight the significance of politeness,modesty,courtesy,compassion etc., which are the hallmark of a well-trained and sublimed ego.

It is almost impossible even for great people to train and sublimate the egos of grown-up individuals. It is perhaps easier to tame tigers,elephants and lion, but not men of stubborn ego! However, as we have already seen, wihtout training ego, we can never expect to have a peaceful soceity; no, not even a happy home!

So, what is the way out? Is there no solution? Well, we need not despair. We may not be able to bend a tree , but we can certainly bend a young plant! So, we should  direct al lattention towards our youngsters. Here comes the vital role of parents.

The noble parents chastise the ego of their youngsters not merely by sermonizing but by the glowing examples of their own cultured dealings and despositions. Because they know the significance of the saying 'examples is better than precept.' In fact, example is not only an effective way of training the youth, but it is the only way!

So be a person with well-trained ego, Say:
"Dear ego........
I am Strong.....
I control You......
I will win"

As always, thanks for reading......!!!!

Stay optimistics 24x7.......!!!!!!

Saturday 6 June 2015


What is a goal?

A with dream with a date is a goal.

Let me illustrate:
For an instance assume that you are playing cricket in ground where there is no boundary rope, and you hit a massive shot so that ball fell at long distance say 120+ meters away.
Now is that six? Four? Caught..??? Can’t say until there is a boundary, right?

In the same way, say your dream is to build a beautiful house, but when? Within a year? After two years? Six years?  Sixty years?  Or after you death?

Hence it is clear that, a goal is that which is achieved within a stipulated time.
What is a dream? It is not which you see when you are sleep, a dream that which makes you sleeps less.

Why dream and goal..??
n  Suffer less from stress and anxiety
n  Concentrate better
n  Show more self-confidence
n  Perform better
n  Are happier

Power of a dream:  Martin Luther King Jr, an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement in his speech said that
“I have dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equally’ “
 And now today Barack Hussein Obama II -a negro- is the 44th and current President of the United States.

 How to set a goal..??

What’s important to remember about setting goals is the correct F.R.A.M.E. of mind.

n  Fantasize - Dream your wildest dreams and make sure that your goals match your values.
Ask yourself: what do you want to be doing in 1 year? 5 years? What kind of person do I want to be?

n  Reality - Fantasies can become reality, depending on how hard you are willing to work for them.

n  Aim - Define your goal(s) by striking a balance between Fantasy and Reality; set a high but realistic goal.

n  Method – Be truthful to yourself by narrowing your choices or goals to the ones you really intend to accomplish.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

n  Evaluation - Process the results, but don’t make it the last step; evaluation should be on going

Qualities of Effective Goals S.M.A.R.T.:

Ø SPECIFIC: The Goal should be SPECIFIC enough so that we know exactly for what we are striving.

Ø MEASURABLE: A goal must be MEASURABLE. It should have concrete facts. You should be able to answer very specifically, when and how you will know you attained your goal.

Ø ACTION-ORIENTED: Declaring positive activity that will produce results.  

Ø REALISTIC: Challenging yourself is an important part of goal setting. You need to be realistic
EX: Your goal should not be, becoming a doctor being an engineering graduate

Ø TANGIBLE: A goal should be concrete and not vague.

Now the deal is how to achieve your goal….??

ü Identify possible strategies or objectives to reach each goal: Make a list of what you feel are the best and most effective ways of reaching the goals you have already identified.

ü Select the best strategies: Now that you have made a list of several ways to achieve your goal, recognize which of these strategies will work best for you.

ü Outline specific plans to accomplish each strategy: Once you have narrowed down your strategy list, you can begin to make very detailed and specific plans to accomplish each strategy and ultimately reach your goal.

ü Write your goals: Write your goal everywhere in your bedroom, kitchen, dining hall, rest room where ever you go frequently, and an unwritten goal is just a wish.

Commitment: Commitment creates more accountability and is what sets us on direct course to reach our goals. It may create costly negative consequences upon failure to attain a goal.

Why Goals Fail…….???
·       The goal was not written down.
·       Rewards for achieving the goals were not given.
·       The goal was unrealistic or not specific enough.
·       The goal is not really believable or little commitment exists.
·       Keep changing or switching goals with the weather
·       The person who set the goal has not told anyone else for added accountability, help and support.
·       The goal was not incorporated into a realistic plan that includes measurements, timelines and resources.
“Dream high, not dreaming high is a sin”, dreaming high is not a sin but not making an effort to achieve is.

As always, thanks for reading…..!!!!!!