Sunday 19 July 2015

Hooke's Law

Hooke's law:

The strain (deformation) of an elastic object or material is proportional to the stress applied to it.

Let's apply the same Law to Eternal things, Natural resources like,earth,water,air.....

 I hope everyone enjoys to make voyage (A course of travel by water to distant place), playing at sea-shores . Naturally an Ocean or a sea looks calm,peace and dances like an young lady. A part from its Aesthetic feature they also gives us an enormous minerals, nutritious sea food and many more. But imagine the disasters made by Tsunami when they loose their patience. Hence it is proved that the beautiful oceans and sea too have a limit like an elastic material which has an elastic limit.

Now apply the same law to our mother earth , it gives many minerals, it gives life to tress,animals, human-beings etc,.  it bears all the stress applied by every living and non-living thing. But imagine the scene of an earth quake, thus the earth which is a synonym for patience also has its limit.

It is very often to see young couples of opposite gender hand in hand, taking stroll drenching head to toe enjoying cool breeze. Romance in cool breeze has gigantic pull to be together. It is obvious to everyone that living beings are alive because of it (air). But it too has its limit, when it looses its calmness(cyclones and tornadoes) and purity(pollution) there won't be any life on this earth.

Like wise every thing in this world has its limit.

Too much Sweet leads to Sugar

To much Spicy leads to Ulcer

Too much Salt leads to B.P.

Too much Smartness leads to Foolishness

Too much Confidence leads to Failure

Too much Ego leads to Loneliness

Too much smoking lead to lung cancer

Too much alcohol leads to liver cancer

Too much donation made Bali Chaktravarthy to die.........

So don't do anything Too Much.....

Hence Hooke's Law is proved for both Elastic materials and Eternal materials......

As always, thanks for reading......!!!!

Stay optimistics 24x7.......!!!!!!